RegistrationThe 2014/2015 Little Athletics Season is here and we invite your family to come along and join in the fun for our 24th season!
Just fill out the registration form,Codes of Conduct and Parents Agreement forms print them off and bring them to sign on with proof of age for new registrations with your payment or proof of bank transfer as per details below. ***PLEASE NOTE THAT WE DO NOT HAVE EFTPOS FACILITIES AVAILABLE*** Options for payments are either CASH, CHEQUE OR BANK TRANSFER TO PAY BY direct funds transfer to our bank account: Bli Bli Little Athletics Centre BSB: 064 424 ACCOUNT: 00912298 And put the athletes name in the reference details Please supply verification of the transfer with your Registration form. Sign-on Before 2:45pm at any Saturday afternoon meet throughout the season at the Clubhouse - McMartin Park - 44 Lefoes Road, Bli Bli. Check our events calendar competition dates. Can't Get to SIGN ON - forward your Registration form and payment to us and we'll have your child/rens Registration Pack ready for you to collect on their first day of competition. New athlete/s need to bring proof of age. Our fees for the 2014/2015 season are: Tiny Tots Registration fee: $50 each U6 Registration fee: $105 each U7 - U17 Registration fee: $125 each plus Help Levy (Refundable): $30 per family Future Fund: $20 per family Note: Nomination fees for Regional Relays, Caloundra Open Day, Regional Championships and State championships will be paid for by the club. Uniforms Club shirt (compulsory U7+) $30 Maroon shorts $10 (if available) The club shirt is a Turquoise polo shirt with maroon binding around the sleeves and a maroon collar. Maroon shorts/briefs/cycle pants. Upon registration, you receive:
Don't forget.... Remember to complete the Code of Conduct for Parents & Athletes, to ensure an ongoing season of fun and enjoyment. Please sign and return with registration papers. And remember to bring along proof of age if you're a new athlete. |
Complete each of these forms to register. And bring along "proof of age" if you are new to the club.
PAY BY direct funds transfer to our bank account:
Bli Bli Little Athletics Centre BSB: 064 424 ACCOUNT: 00912298 And put the athletes name in the reference details Please supply verification of the transfer with your Registration form. |